Sometimes a person is compelled to make a film. These animations are an expression of that imperative. There may be a moral to the story, or it may be just for fun.
Romantic Comedy? (3 min)
An amorous fly meets his match.
in Plasticine (3 1/2 min)
A bad day for a lump of clay.
QuestA Personal Drama (3 min)
A young lump of clay comes to a fork in his road and makes a critical choice.
View of the Problem Solving Process in the Government of the United States of
AmericaDocudrama (3 min)
Long title, short movie.
Evolution of
Man Docudrama (2 1/2 min)
Did God fashion man from clay...or Darwin?
View of the American Revolution Docudrama (2 min)
Royalist hands reaching across the ocean get stung.