© 1978 Tom Sephton
Allen Ling as Harry Benjamin Wong
Chin as Bernice, Harry's girlfreind, or is she?
Sun as Bernice's very best freind
Pisciotta as the Sicilian Courier
Joon Shin as the Gangster Boss
Muilenburg as the Mighty Morphin Gangster
Hetherington as the Over the Edge Gangster
McNab as the Look Out for that Tree Gangster
Grossenbacher as the Gas Station Guy
Nakai as the Shopping Lady
Bernice gets a letter, "...Yes, a drive in the country would be soooo lovely."
Hey Harry, wake up! It's your lucky day guy. But watch out for that self motivated Lawnmower.
That's it Harry, every day should start with a Breakfast of Champions. Hey champ, isn't that chinup bar a little low.
Maybe a little weightlifting. OK, a little less then? Come on, this is ridiculous!
Time for that hot date and what a great day for a drive, so many distractions. Gotta get a fill up.
Hey wait a minute. What are these people doing driving around on the seat of their pants?
Who needs a car when you've got animation!
It's about time Harry. Chill out Bernice, it's still a great day for a drive. How about a nice picnic?
Hey, who bit the burger? Look who else is out for a drive. Talk, talk talk, they never stop.
It seems you've bumped into the wrong person, Harry. What's this in the fiery Sicilian woman's identical purse? Bernice! You can't take that!
Looks like there's gonna be trouble!
Trouble indeed! Nice evasive maneuvers Harry, but what happened to Bernice?
Uh oh!
Staff Fu, Sword Fu, Foot Fu, Pain Fu, Pipe Fu...Nekkid Fu?
Take the bus home Bernice. What's the Sicilian Gangster up to? Not the old bus bombing trick again!
No worries mate, who needs a girlfreind when you've got a purse full money.